Review: Bachmann Branchline 35-077
Bachmann has a huge name in the manufacturing industry. The Bachmann Branchline 35-077 is gorgeous Class E railway engine model. The steam engine is a OO Gauge class and has a great design and sturdy construction.
The Class E4 tank steam locomotives were powerful for their size and became stalwarts of passenger, freight and branch work for over 50 years. This model has fantastic detail and would make a great addition to your collection.
Key features
- Made of steel with a glossy finding to keep it shining
- OO gauge with scale 1.76
- DCC Ready. 6-pin socket
- Route discs and fire lamps
- Good runner at a low speed
- This product has now been discontinued.
More information
The steam engine is a small model that can be used for modeling purposes in museums or in train industry as well. It is used as a toy as well. It is a great tool to be used in the industry as well as a toy which as to be used under supervision for the kids. It runs at a great speed, the infrastructure is well balanced and easy to operate as well.
This model runs fantastically well out of the box in comparison to many other models on the market, and only continues to improve over time. The sturdy and sleek design and the good performance make it a great piece to be added to your collection.